Ha Long Bay’s values: Cultural – Historical values

Ha Long Area is one of the Homes to the Ancient Viet people. 

According to archeological researches, the earliest vestiges of people’ life in Ha Long Bay was remained from owner of Soi Nhu culture.

The next is Cai Beo culture owner with the first contact with the sea.

The last owner belonged to Ha Long culture. Ha Long culture played a very important role in the ancient Vietnamese civilization, marking an exposure of the ancient Viet people with the marine economy, creating a unique sea -related -culture in Vietnam.

Soi Nhụ Culture (about 18,000 to 7,000 years ago): People in this period
of time mainly lived in limestone islands in Ha Long Bay, Bai Tu Long Bay, and coastal caves. Their method of earning for food were hunting, picking fruits and catching freshwater molluscs. They used stone tools made with simple technique that is tightening, chopping almost no mending.



The archaeological site of Soi Nhu cave, which was found traces of ancient Vietnamese 14,000 years ago


Archaeological sites of Tien Ong cave

Cai Beo Culture: (About 7000 – 5000 years ago). Residents of this culture mainly resided on the shore of closed bay, leaning against stone mountains. The height of relics of this culture is 2-6m above present sea level. Their method of earning for food was is primarily coastal fishing, and then combined with traditional methods, such as hunting wild animals, collecting natural legumes and fruits. Tools used were simple, mainly sharp tools. The hedge technique is mainly on one side and can be used to flatten the distractions on the opposite side to create a fringe of ringe. Cai Beo pottery was rough, thick, heavy and simple type at the begining period. The later stage is smooth ceramic, the cord, and diverse in type. Porous ceramic began to appear in small numbers demonstrateing the rapid development of prehistoric people.


Archaeological vestiges of Cai Beo

Ha Long Culture: (4500 to 3500 years ago) is divided into early and late stages.
Early Stage: was the result of middle-Holocene marine transgression in the period 6,000 to 5,000 years ago. This caused the loss of a living environment of the Cai Beo people. Therefore, most of them had to move to the northeast area and higher regions. Since then, the earlier Ha Long culture was formed. In this stage, people earned for food mainly by hunting, picking fruits, farming, planting fiber crops, fruits and vegetables, and increasing fishing.
Later Stage: this stage came as the result of the period of maximum marine transgression and regression. This culture developed with the migration of Ha Long people into the plains, midlands and mountainous areas. The Ha Long people’s habitats were relatively diverse including caves, mountain peaks and sand bars. Working tools were unique and mainly made from limestone by high-level manufacturing techniques. Pottery handicrafts were developed with the use of potter’s wheel and decorative pattern of its products were mainly the rope, the relief stripes, the carved lines, the base. The pottery products with diverse decorative pattern were typical characteristics of Ha Long culture.

At present, Ha Long Bay has some caves preserving vestiges of prehistoric culture, such as: Tien Ong Cave, Trinh Nu Cave, Bo Nau Cave, Me Cung Grotto, Thien Long Grotto. Especially, at Tien Ong Cave archeological site, reconnaissance pits and archaeological digs with stream snail (Melania), and mountain snail (Cyclophorus) are well preserved. These are important proofs of lifestyle in caves of prehistory people of Soi Nhu culture.
Ha Long Bay area is the place marking the history of national construction and defense of the nation in the age of feudal monarchy.
With an important strategic location, from the 12th century (in 1149) under the reign of King Ly Anh Tong, in the area of ​​Ha Long Bay, Van Don trading port was established. This is not just a single harbor but a system of many commercial wharves on the islands around Bai Tu Long Bay. Today, the relics of ancient wharves are found quite abundant in the areas of Cong Dong, Cong Tay, Van Hai, Quan Lan islands… Thousands of pottery pieces from Ly, Tran Le, Mac dynasty and many other valuable historical artifacts demonstrating the value of history, culture and art were found in the area. In addition, people also found many vestiges of cultural structures, such as commune houses, pagodas, temples, shrines (ex: Lam pagoda, Trong pagoda, The temple, Quan Lan Pagoda).

In the history of national construction and defense of the nation of Vietnam, Ha Long Bay is also a place where marked the historical victories from 10th to the 20th century, such as Ngo Quyen won the Nam Han (in 938), Le Hoan won Tong (981), Tran Hung Dao won Nguyen Mong (1288). At present, in Ha Long Bay area, there are many historical and cultural relics, such as Quan Lan Temple, Lam Pagoda, Ba Men Temple … Especially, the people in Ha Long Bay area are well preserving their unique custom that expressed through verses, proverbs, festivals, experiences, reflecting their feelings and emotions transmitted from generations to generations. Their intangible values that are typical to marine area include: traditional songs, wedding singing, and many traditional ceremonies such as first boat launching in the new year to pray for safe and lucky year, “Neu” tree planting in the New year ceremony … These cultural values are still research subjects for researchers, people who love and honor the traditions of national culture.
The area of ​​Ha Long Bay is a place where maintaining the History of National Construction and National defense in the Pre-modern, Modern History
During the war against the French:
+ Duc Tien Cave: Vestige of a militant group under the leading of De Hong anh Cai Thai to fight against the French colony. The cave located on the southeast of Van Gio Island (376 island on the map, folk name is Cánh Quít Mountain). At that time, the militant group produce weapon and coins for the war against the French.
+ On May 1, 1930, a red flag with a hammer flied on the top of Bai Tho Mountain, marking a new stage of revolution of labor organization in Quang Ninh mining area in the purpose of being free of French colonial domination.
+ On March 24, 1946, President Ho Chi Minh met with French High Commissioner D’Argenlieu on board Esmille Bertinon Ha Long Bay.
During the War Against the The United States of America
+ In the early 1960s, non-haul ships departed Ha Long area for Southern Vietnam carrying weapons, ammunition contributing to the glorious victory of Vietnam in the war against the United States of America (Ho Chi Minh Sea Route).
+ Ha Long Bay witnessed the first air strike and failure of the United States Air Force when they first launched a war to destroy the North of Vietnam on August 5, 1964. At this time the first American pilot Everett Alvarez.

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