Choosing Reliable Travel Agency

How to choose a reliable travel agency?

You are making your plan to go to Vietnam? Have you decided yet or do you have some wonder in your mind? Jenny Vietnam Travel would love to share our experience with you how to book a good quality/price tour.

  1. Buying Private Tour or Group Tour from your country.

We would make a suggestion to book a trip with local travel agency when you don’t really have time to study Vietnam travel facts.


Legal protection and worry free.

Don’t waste time for searching info.


High price because these tour companies have to rely on the Local Travel Agency and eventually you have to pay for both.

Repeat itinerary in the Mass Travel Style that we call 5H + 1S: Hanoi, Halong, Hue, Hoi An, Ho Chi Minh and Sapa.

Rush for the tour timing and eating junk foods in tourist restaurants.

Nowadays, internet makes “Flat World” and distance is no more natural barrier to you at searching information to design “your dream vacation” as specially, Air Companies are growing fast and gives you more chance to book in advance your International Flight with the same cost as Travel Agency.

  1. Buying a guide book and get along the country.

This option seems to feet “Time Millionaire” or so called “Back Packer”. This kind of travel could ensure to have authentic experience, local interaction, etc. But once again they have to buy tour organized by local tour operator such as “Sinh Café”, they also now receive tourist from many small travel agencies from which they can not control the Price. In a big bus, there are 10 different prices. Please also take note that: Cheap is not good and Good is not cheap.

  1. Contact Local Travel Agency:

You may have another worried that it is cheaper? Is there any risks? This option may suit your choice because:

  • Reasonable price because: You don’t have to pay Tour Operator Profit in your country
  • Design your tailor-made itinerary that could meet your expectations and suite your personal interest.
  • But Jenny Vietnam Travel suggest you to make a careful research before you make the final decision.

How to choose a good travel agency?

Price/Quality: It’s difficult to tell what your money will buy if you don’t know the country. Unethical companies maximize their profits by lowering standards of accommodation, using inferior restaurants, amateur Vietnam travel escorts, poor-quality transport, and so on.

If you’re trying to compare prices, check the itineraries carefully to make sure you’re comparing like for like. All too often, ‘cheap’ is synonymous with ‘nasty’.

With Jenny Vietnam Travel, what is listed is a minimum – what you get is more than you expect.

Quality of travel deal: You can also get hints about the service you can expect by their response to your enquiry. What’s the quality of their e-mails? Is the content clear and relevant? Is it really a personal message, or just a standard reply? Do they respond quickly and efficiently?

Special Features of one travel agency: Nowadays we buy a tour that has good Quality, Price and in some cases we also accept to pay more for the same product as the travel agency use our money for their Responsible Programs.

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