Australian Travel Magazine: Don’t leave Ha Noi without trying Cha ca La Vong

Ben Groundwater, a Sydney-based travel writer, columnist and author with more than 20 years’ experience wrote an article on Sydney Morning Herald, titled “You can’t leave northern Vietnam without trying this absolute treat” and introduces the dish Cha ca La vong, Ha Noi, Vietnam to worldwide readers and travellers.



Cha ca La vong are made from freshwater fish such as catfish, marinated with many spices, most notably turmeric powder, then fried in a pan of oil until golden brown. Cha ca are eaten with dill, fresh green onions, roasted peanuts and vermicelli. “You can’t leave northern Vietnam without trying this absolute treat”, quoted Ben Groundwater.

Cha ca La Vong was born more than a century ago, when the Doan family on Hang Son street (now Cha Ca street) sold cha ca and grilled fish to make money. The owner of house number 14 Hang Son is Doan Xuan Phuc.

Today, the family still opens their shop to welcome customers at 14 Cha Ca Street in Ha Noi’s Old Quarter. Besides Cha ca La Vong restaurant, Cha Ca Anh Vu is another address for international tourists to Ha Noi to taste this scrumptious dish.

Jenny Vietnam Travel ON TRIPADVISOR